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What Is Relapse Prevention Therapy?

a therapist writes down notes while in a session with a client who asks what is relapse prevention therapy

For those in recovery from addiction, relapse prevention therapy can be a powerful tool in helping to maintain sobriety. Relapse prevention therapy is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) that helps identify and prevent triggers that could lead to relapse. Grasping the benefits of relapse prevention therapy on an individual’s road to wellness is essential for sustained success. Now, you might wonder, “Where can I find relapse prevention therapy near me?”

Finding relapse prevention therapy services in your area is a crucial first step to maintaining sobriety. At Athens Recovery, we provide relapse prevention therapy to individuals recovering from addiction. We use a proven CBT approach to help our clients identify potential triggers and develop strategies for avoiding them. Our team works with each individual to empower them to stay on the path of sobriety.

Are you curious about relapse prevention therapy and how it can help create lasting positive changes in your life? Reach out to Athens Recovery today at 844.959.4998 to find out what is relapse prevention therapy and how it can help you.

What Is Relapse Prevention Therapy?

Relapse prevention therapy is an evidence-based approach to teaching those in recovery from addiction how to identify and manage triggers that could lead them back into substance use. This type of therapy focuses on developing coping skills and strategies for:

  • Identifying triggers
  • Building self-awareness
  • Developing coping strategies and skills
  • Enhancing problem-solving abilities
  • Improving communication skills

This type of treatment is often part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes counseling, education, support groups, and other forms of psychotherapy.

Advantages of Relapse Prevention Therapy

Relapse prevention therapy has many advantages for those in recovery from addiction. It helps individuals recognize the situations and emotions that may lead them to use drugs or alcohol again so they can develop strategies for avoiding them. It also allows individuals to build self-awareness to more easily recognize potential triggers before they become overwhelming.

Additionally, this type of treatment provides support and structure during times when someone may be most vulnerable to returning to substance use. In doing so, relapse prevention therapy helps individuals stay focused on their goals while building confidence and motivation toward maintaining sobriety.

Where Can I Find Relapse Prevention Therapy in Georgia?

At Athens Recovery, we provide relapse prevention therapy to individuals in recovery from addiction. Our team of licensed mental health professionals can help you stay on the path to sobriety. We offer a comfortable, non-judgmental environment in Athens, GA, where you can address what causes relapse and what strategies to use for relapse prevention.

Relapse prevention therapy is an important tool in recovering from addiction. It helps individuals develop coping skills, identify triggers, and build self-awareness. It provides structure during times when someone may be most vulnerable while encouraging personal growth through its focus on goal setting and motivation for long-term success in sobriety. Ultimately, with the proper tools provided by relapse prevention therapies, such as cognitive behavioral techniques, individuals have the best chance of staying away from substances long-term.

Contact Athens Recovery About Relapse Prevention Therapy

At Athens Recovery, we provide relapse prevention therapy to individuals in recovery from addiction. We use a proven CBT approach to help our clients identify potential triggers and develop strategies for avoiding them. Our family-owned outpatient treatment center offers compassionate and caring support for those recovering from addiction. As a client with us, you will be part of a safe, judgment-free environment that empowers your journey. For more information about what relapse prevention therapy is or what it can do for you, contact Athens Recovery today at 844.959.4998 to find out what is relapse prevention therapy and how it can help you.