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Anxiety Treatment


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man with head in hands sitting on couch considers starting an anxiety treatment programEveryone feels anxious from time to time, but for some people, anxiety can be so overwhelming that it starts to interfere with their daily lives. Those who struggle with addiction often find that their anxiety is closely related—and if they don’t address both issues, true healing can be hard to find. At Athens Recovery, we understand that mental health care and addiction recovery go hand in hand. That’s why our comprehensive anxiety treatment program is designed to help people identify and manage their anxiety so that they can live a life of long-term sobriety.

Our Athens, GA, anxiety treatment program helps clients understand the root causes of their anxiety and gives them the skills they need to manage it in a healthy way. Before beginning treatment, our counselors assess each client’s individual situation to determine the best course of action. From there, we work with clients to design personalized treatment plans that address their specific needs.

Our addiction therapy programs can support lasting recovery. Call 844.959.4998 or reach out online today to get started.

How Anxiety and Addiction Can Be Connected

For many people, anxiety and addiction are interconnected. The symptoms of anxiety, such as fear and a sense of panic, can lead people to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol as a way to reduce their distress. The relief that substances provide, however, is temporary, and substance abuse can actually make anxiety worse over time. This can lead to a cycle of addiction and anxiety that is difficult to break without treatment.

Signs You’d Benefit from Anxiety Treatment

There are several signs that indicate you may benefit from anxiety treatment at the same time as addiction treatment. These can include:

  • Feeling a sense of dread or panic for no reason
  • Experiencing frequent racing thoughts that are hard to control
  • Always feeling physically tense
  • Struggling to focus on tasks or conversations
  • Avoiding social situations due to fear or anxiety
  • Using drugs or alcohol to cope with stress and anxiety

It can be a difficult cycle to break, especially if you’re trying to do it alone. The support of an experienced anxiety treatment program can make a huge difference in helping you successfully manage your anxiety and overcome addiction.

What to Expect in Our Anxiety Treatment Program

Our anxiety treatment program is tailored to meet the needs of every individual. We incorporate a wide variety of therapies into treatment. Some of the modalities that can be most beneficial for those working to manage anxiety include:

Programs we offer include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy, which helps people identify and reframe negative thought patterns.
  • Dialectical behavior therapy, which helps people build skills to manage their emotions in a more positive way.
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy, which focuses on helping people accept their feelings and take action.
  • Trauma therapy, which helps people recognize and manage trauma-related emotions such as fear, guilt, or shame.

These are just some of the therapeutic tools we use to help people understand their anxiety and how it affects their lives. By learning how to recognize and manage their anxiety, clients build the skills they need to navigate any challenges they might face.

Call Athens Recovery Today to Start Life-Changing Anxiety Treatment

If you’re struggling with anxiety, it’s essential to seek professional help. Our expert team at Athens Recovery is ready to assist you in overcoming your anxiety and addiction. We offer a safe and supportive environment to help you regain control of your life. We understand that the journey toward recovery can be challenging, which is why we provide personalized care to meet every client’s unique needs. Give us a call today at 844.959.4998 or reach out online to start the journey toward a life free from anxiety.