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Finding Heroin Addiction Treatment in Athens, GA

Two people in heroin addiction treatment

Heroin use has significantly increased throughout the United States in the past decade. Research indicates that this increase is linked to the prescription opioid epidemic, as a notable number of individuals struggling with heroin addiction report they turned to heroin as a cheaper, more accessible option when they could not get prescription painkillers. For that reason, heroin addiction treatment is more important than ever.

The Georgia Department of Public Health estimates there are a minimum of 7,000 heroin users in the greater Atlanta metropolitan area, which includes Athens.1 Athens Recovery is a family-owned outpatient treatment center that supports clients in their recovery journey. Our heroin addiction treatment program provides comprehensive rehab services in a safe, welcoming, and supportive environment.

If you or a loved one struggles with heroin abuse or addiction, we can help find the best course of treatment. Call 844.959.4998 to learn more.

Do You Need Heroin Addiction Treatment in Athens, GA?

When you have decided to seek treatment, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the choices available. It is important to remember that not all treatment centers offer the same programs or levels of care. Choosing the level of care best suited to your needs is essential for effective treatment and recovery. At Athens Recovery, our expert treatment team can assist by providing a comprehensive assessment.

Factors we consider in determining what type of program will be best for you include:

  • Severity of addiction – Substance use disorder (SUD) occurs on a spectrum. Outpatient programs are better for mild to moderate SUD, while inpatient rehab is often needed for long-term or more severe SUD.
  • Medical needs – Medical concerns related to withdrawal or physical health conditions caused or exacerbated by SUD require higher levels of care.
  • Mental health needs – Having co-occurring mental health issues requires integrated dual diagnosis treatment to address both conditions simultaneously.
  • Support systems – If you do not have a robust support system, including a stable living environment or one conducive to recovery, you may need a more structured program.
  • Treatment history – A history of chronic relapse or unsuccessful attempts at outpatient treatment indicates the need for more intensive treatment.
  • Motivation—Outpatient treatment may be a good option if you are highly motivated and fully committed to treatment. Otherwise, at least initially, you may need a higher, more structured level of care.
  • Cost and insurance coverage – Your insurance coverage and ability to pay for treatment may influence decision-making.

While finding heroin addiction treatment in Athens, GA, may seem overwhelming at first, the intake specialists at Athens Recovery will help ensure you find the best program for your individual needs and circumstances.

The Benefits of Heroin Addiction Treatment Programs

Treating heroin addiction is a complex process that can be challenging on many fronts. However, not getting treatment can have dangerous, even life-threatening consequences. Significant benefits of heroin addiction treatment programs include the following:

  • Medically supervised detox
  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Dual diagnosis treatment
  • Supportive environment
  • Education and skill-building
  • Improved physical health
  • Trauma therapy
  • Restored relationships
  • Reduced risk of overdose and death
  • Relapse prevention

Ultimately, heroin addiction treatment programs help break the cycles of addiction and chronic relapse so individuals can achieve and learn to maintain lasting recovery, leading to a better quality of life.

What to Expect from a Heroin Addiction Treatment Center

Knowing what to expect from a heroin addiction treatment center can help alleviate fears about seeking treatment. While the specifics of treatment can vary depending on the level of care, you should make sure the program you choose provides the following:

  • Individualized treatment plans
  • Individual counseling
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Evidence-based treatments
  • Relapse prevention
  • Aftercare programs and services

Heroin addiction impacts a person’s mind, body, and spirit; therefore, look for a treatment center that utilizes a holistic approach. More than just managing symptoms, effective treatment will uncover and address the underlying issues that contribute to addiction.

Call Athens Recovery for Heroin Addiction Treatment in Athens, GA

Located just 70 miles east of Atlanta, the college town of Athens, GA, boasts an eclectic mix of old and new. In addition to historical landmarks, a world-famous music scene, and attractions like the Sandy Creek Nature Center, Athens has a vibrant recovery community.

If you need to find heroin addiction treatment in Athens, GA, look no further than Athens Recovery. Call 844.959.4998 or use our online contact form to learn about our addiction treatment programs.


1. Georgia Drug Threat Assessment